Looking Back/Looking Forward


Another year is almost done and dusted – and O what a year. Christmas chaos in suburbia has well and truly hit, giving a perfect opportunity to stop in the craziness, pause and reflect.

Looking Back

This year in particular of recent times has been momentous on a number of fronts, all of them revolving around my calling – the visual.

Certainly, it has been a time of ridiculous extremes: of amazing joy and being honoured, to abject horror and sadness. It really has done my head in at times. In keeping with the advice from my psychologist focussing on ‘pleasant events’ and not on those which I have no control on, so here comes some of the REAL good stuff from this last twelve months:

  • Being totally surprised by having my work awarded both locally and internationally

  • Dwelling in the countryside of Italy, and getting to just sit, be inspired, and make

  • Studying in the Biblioteca (library) of the Basilica of St Francis

  • Making new wonderful friendships in Italy.

But three seemingly small events have been the absolute highlights, and both revolve around walking with people on their own visual journey:

  1. Guiding people through the fun steps of simple bronze casting – it has been a buzz watching the excitement and sheer panic, then exultation of throwing molten bronze around a room. These have become known as ‘sculpture play days’ – more to come in the future!

  2. Sharing the experience of a major exhibition - Damien Hirst - with a dear non-art friend (engineer by trade, so very literal), and watch the penny suddenly drop and him getting the whole allegorical piss-take behind 10 years of work ... the moment was magical

  3. Walking with an old beloved friend, whom years ago had done some visual play, but now 40 something years later has had the ‘tap on the shoulder’ and is inspired to get making again – but with a prophetic purpose and drive now. Watching this unfold is truly inspirational for me.

That was then; this is now, and more importantly – Looking Forward

Immediately, there is no rest.

As part of one of the awards I received this year entailed a gifting of a solo show at a prestigious resort on the Central Coast – the Mercure Kooindah Waters. Invites are circling elsewhere, but bare bones are:

  • ‘Meet Frank’ – a visual experience of what St. Francis of Assisi means for us in today’s contemporary society

  • 4th January – 15th February (yes a month and a half of new people seeing my work almost every day)

  • Reception - Tuesday 23rd January 6-8pm

  • Artist Talk - Saturday 10th February 2 pm

  • Over 25 works, the majority new with a few beloved important pieces reinterpreted

  • Fine Australian and Italian timber, bronze, glass, electronics, and recycled materials

Doing the finishing touches, arranging media, plinths, etc. is complete madness at this time of the year – but it will be done with some new display and marketing techniques that will be interesting to see how it all unfolds, and how much real traction I am able to obtain. Stay tuned.

Once the show is in full swing, and after February, then there will be some sailing to be had, new projects are on the drawing board, and more residencies to be undertaken – a bit closer to home in 2018!

Wishing you all a truly blessed and wonderful Christmas.